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  • Tree Pruning And Trimming

    Tree Trimming in the Tampa Bay Area. Or, more accurately, Tree Pruning. No matter what you call it there are many different types...
  • Plant Health Care For Trees

    Our system of different tools and processes help improve the overall health and fertility of your tree through improving cultural conditions...
  • Tree Removals Process

    At ONeils Tree Service we like to preserve trees anytime that it is possible, but sometimes Tree Removals are necessary...
O'Neil's Palm Canopy Table
Common Name Scientific Name Canopy Radius
Meters Area
African Oil Palm Elaeis guineensis 21 6.4 1385 129
Areca Palm Dypsis Iutescens 11.5 3.5 415 32
Bismarck palm Bismarckia nobilis 10 3.0 314 29
Canary Island Date Palm Phoenix canariensis 12.5 3.8 491 46
Carpentaria Palm Carpentaria acuminata 9 2.7 254 24
Chinese Fan Palm Livistona chinensis 10 3.0 314 29
Christmas Palm Adonidia merrillii 5 1.5 78 7.2
Clustering Fishtail Palm Caryota mitis 11.5 3.5 415 39
Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera 10.5 3.2 346 32
European Fan Palm Chamaerops humilis 3 0.9 28 2.6
Everglades Palms Acoelorrhaphe wrightii 12 3.6 452 42
Fish Tail Palm Caryota rumphiana 11 3.4 380 35
Florida Royal Palm Roystonea regia 12.5 3.8 491 46
Footstool Palm Livistona rotundifolia 6.5 2.0 133 12
Foxtail Palm Wodyetia bifurcata 9 2.7 254 24
Green Thatch Palm Thrinax radiata 6 1.8 113 10
Jelly Palm Butia capitata 10 3.0 314 29
Joannis Palm Veitchia joannis 10 3.0 314 29
Kentia Palm Howea forsteriana 7.5 2.3 177 16
King Alexander Palm Archontophoenix alexandrae 12 3.6 452 42
Macarthur Palm Ptychosperma macarthurii 8 1.5 201 7.2
Majestic Palm Ravenea rivularis 7 2.1 154 14
Malakula Palm Veitchia winin 7.5 2.3 177 16
Malayan Dwarf Coconut Palm Cocos nucifera 12 3.6 452 42
Mexican Fan Palm Washingtonia robusta 6.5 2.0 254 12
Miraguama Palm Coccothrinax miraguama 5 1.5 78 7.2
Palmetto Palm Sabal palmetto 8.5 2.6 227 21
Princess Palm Dictyosperma album 8 2.4 201 19
Pygmy date Palm Phoenix roebelenii 5 1.5 78 7.2
Queen Palm Syagrus romanzoffiana 10 3.0 314 29
Red Latan Palm Latania lontaroides 8 1.7 201 19
Red Neck Palm Dypsis Iastelliana 10.5 3.2 346 32
Solitaire Palm Ptychosperma elegans 5 1.5 78 7.2
Spindle Palm Hyophorbe verschaffeltii 5.5 1.7 95 9
Triangle Palm Dypsis decaryi 9.5 2.9 284 26
Wild Date Palm Phoenix reclinata 16 4.9 804 75